miercuri, 18 decembrie 2013

Homestuck OC

Basic Information:
Name: Iaia Darkwood
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 14 (start of beta),16(post-scratch)
Derse or Prospit?:Derse
Fetch Modus: Puzzle
Strife Modus: ShurikenKind
Weapon: At first,she just had some paper shuriken,but later she combines it with her mother’s hairbrush and some glue,creating a bigger shuriken the size of a wheel.
Game Entry Item: A game controller
Sprite: Little Johnsprite,he’s a blue and purple teddy bear,without eyes and with long cuts on his sides.Also it has a little cookie shaped on his stomach.
Exile: Spanker Prank
Title: Thief of Darkness
Active or Passive?: Active
Medium: The Land of Candies,mostly this world is covered in all types of sweets,only that the sky is a deep purple and it’s raining ‘blood’ that’s cherry juice.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Slighty pale,with freckles over her nose and cheeks
Symbol: A candy red cookie
Guardian: Her cousin
Ectosibling(s): Jane
Pets: Scratchy(dog)
Home: Alex lives in a average sized house,in the capital of Romania.
Other Family: None
Chumhandle: wonderLicious
Typing style: She doesn’t mind having grammar errors,and sometimes just makes them to piss off others.She mostly uses “:3” or “xo3”.
a) (Normal typing) Yo man :3What’s up?Yeah..bored…as usual x03…pestering..you…you know :3?
c) (Bored/Thinking): Yeahhhhhhh x03…..i’ll just go……and wrap myself…in some blankets…and just stay in my corner :3
Sexuality: Bisexual(mostly because of her cousin)
Relationship status: Single
General Appearance:
Do they need to wear glasses or contacts?: Iaia should wear glasses,but she doesn’t. (she can’t see from distance)
Are they nearsighted or farsighted?: Nearsighted
They should wear their glasses,but do they always?: No…but she should.Mostly using them when she really has too or when her cousin pests her too.
Height: 5”4
Weight: 150 lbs
Notable features: Her ears piercings
Hair: She has straight brown hair that reaches her hips and no bangs.Usually her hair is in a messy bun or in a high ponytail.
Disabilities/Health Concerns: Except having a bad eyesight,Alex has problems with her heart.She inhered it from her dad.
Favorites and Least Favorites:
Color: Red or purple
Music: Dubstep,Rock,Skillet,Linkin Park,Three Days Grace and more
Movie: Freddy vs Jason(she is obsessed with Jason)
Book: Manga
Food: Ice-cream or sweets
Clothing: Iaia mostly dresses in baggy clothes and cozy ones.Her closet is full of hoodies with her symbol and colorful t-shirts.Also skinny jeans or shorts and converse or combat boots.She also has a secret fetish for army style clothes,that’s why she hides in her closet a military hat,that she plays around with.
Prized possession(s): Her manga's,military hat and a picture frame with her parents,while they were still alive
Alchemized item(s):  Giraffe Top (a giraffe plushie that can act like a smoke bomb),TrankyFlash (a flashlight that can use as a light sword)
Likes: Video games,music,pulling pranks,pestering others,horror movies,creepypasta,clowns and romcons(again her cousin fault,also he is a boy…so awkward)
Dislikes: Thunder,storms,spiders,cockroaches,water(can’t swim),pink and girly clothes
Iaia is a not like the other girls,she mostly tends to be dark and cold at first and then she will randomly jump and hug or just cuddle with you.Maybe thats because she watches too many romcons…and that her cousin is obsessed with romantic and sad movies.Iaia also likes to scare peoples just for her own fun..and tends to get angry very quickly if you make fun of her or her obsession.When she is mad she tends to just walk out of the room and shout non-senses.
Darkest secret:
Iaia is afraid to be all alone…and mostly clowns after midnight
Does anyone know about it?: Nope

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